See the full peer-reviewed publication list at
Google Scholar
Assi, S.,
Twardzik, E.
, Skow, L.F., Kucharska-Newton, A.M., Windham, B.G., Reed, N.S., Palta, P., & Martinez-Amezcua, P.
In Press
. Hearing Loss, Hearing Aids, and Functional Status: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. JAMA Otolaryngology.
Eisenberg, Y., Hofstra, A., &
Twardzik, E.
Quantifying active travel among people with disabilities in the US.
Disability and Health Journal
Twardzik, E.
, Schrack, J.A., Pollack Porter, K.M., Coleman, T., Washington, K., & Swenor, B.K. 2024.
TRansit ACessibility Tool (TRACT): Developing a novel scoring system for public transportation system accessibility
Journal of Transport & Health
Assi, S.,
Twardzik, E.,
Deal, J.A., Martin Ginis, K., Palta, P., Schrack, J.A., Reed, N.S., & Martinez-Amezcua, P. 2024.
Hearing loss and physical activity among older adults in the US
The Journals of Gerontology: Series A
Twardzik, E.
, Schrack, J.A., Freedman, V.A., Reed, N.S., Ehrlich, J.R., & Martinez-Amezcua, P. 2023.
An Incomplete Model of Disability: Discrepancies Between Performance-Based and Self-Reported Measures of Functioning
The Journals of Gerontology: Series A
Twardzik, E.
, Guralnik, J.M., & Falvey, J.R. 2023.
Community Mobility Among Older Adults Who Are Socioeconomically Disadvantaged: Addressing the “Poverty Penalty.”
Physical Therapy.
Twardzik, E.
, Falvey, J.R., Clarke, P.J., Freedman, V.A., & Schrack, J. 2023.
Public Transit Stop Density is Associated with Walking for Exercise Among a National Sample of Older Adults.
BMC Geriatrics
Twardzik, E.
, Clarke, P.J., Lisabeth, L.D., Brown, S., Roth, D.L., Judd, S.E., & Colabianchi, N. 2022.
Enhanced Street Crossing Features are Associated with Higher Post-Stroke Physical Quality of Life.
Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation.
wardzik, E.
, Colabianchi, N., Duncan, L., Lisabeth, L.D., Brown, S., & Clarke, P.J. 2022.
“Well in in this neighborhood I have walked, not at all”: Stroke survivors lived experience in the outdoor environment.
Social Science & Medicine
Twardzik, E.,
Clarke, P.J., Lisabeth, L.D., Brown, S., Hooker, S.P., Judd, S.E., & Colabianchi, N. 2022.
The Relationship Between Environmental Exposures and Post-Stroke Physical Activity.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Stulberg, E*,
Twardzik, E
*, Kim, S, Hsu, C, Xu, Y, Clarke, P, Morgenstern, LB, & Lisabeth, LD. 2021.
Association of Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status With Outcomes in Patients Surviving Stroke.
*co-first authors
Kim, Y*,
Twardzik, E*,
Judd, SE, Colabianchi, N. 2021.
Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Stroke Incidence: A Systematic Review
*co-first authors
Twardzik, E,
Williams, M, Meshesha, H. 2021.
Disability During a Pandemic: Student Reflections on Risk, Inequity, and Opportunity
American Journal of Public Health.
Beemer, LR,
Twardzik, E
, Colabianchi, N, & Hasson, RE. 2020.
Patterning of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior at and Away from School in Preadolescent Children.
American Journal of Health Education.
Twardzik, E
, Clarke, P, Judd, S, & Colabianchi, N. 2020.
Neighborhood Participation Is Less Likely among Older Adults with Sidewalk Problems.
Journal of Aging and Health.
Bromm KN, Lang, IM,
Twardzik, E,
Antonakos, CL, Dubowitz, T, Colabianchi, N. 2020.
Virtual audits of the urban streetscape: comparing the inter-rater reliability of GigaPan® to Google Street View.
International Journal of Health G
Clarke P,
Twardzik E
, Meade MA, Peterson MD, Tate D. 2019.
Social Participation Among Adults Aging With Long-Term Physical Disability: The Role of Socioenvironmental Factors
Journal of Aging and Health.
Twardzik E
, Clarke P, Elliott MR, Haley WE, Judd S, Colabianchi N. 2019.
Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Trajectories of Physical Health-Related Quality of Life Among Stroke Survivors.
Twardzik E
, Judd S, Bennett A, Hooker S, Howard V, Hutto B, Clarke P, Colabianchi N. 2019.
Walk Score and objectively measured physical activity within a national cohort.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
Twardzik E,
Duchowny K, Gallagher NA, Alexander N, Colabianchi N, & Clarke PJ. 2019.
What features of the built environment matter most for mobility? Using wearable sensors to capture real-time outdoor environment demand on gait performance.
Gait & posture.
Ross SM, Smit E,
Twardzik E
, Logan SW, McManus BM. 2018.
Patient-Centered Medical Home and Receipt of Part C Early Intervention Among Young CSHCN and Developmental Disabilities Versus Delays: NS-CSHCN 2009-2010.
Maternal and Child Health Journal.
Twardzik E
, Antonakos C, Baiers R, Dubowitz T, Clarke P, Colabianchi N. 2018.
Validity of environmental audits using GigaPan ® and Google Earth Technology
International Journal of Health G
Twardzik E
, Smit E, Hatfield B, Odden MC, Dixon-Ibarra A, MacDonald M. 2018.
Limited access to special education services for school-aged children with developmental delay.
Research in Developmental Disabilities.
Ross SM, Catena M,
Twardzik E
, Hospodar C, Cook E, Ayyagari A, Inskeep K, Sloane B, MacDonald M, Logan SW. 2018.
Feasibility of a Modified Ride-on Car Intervention on Play Behaviors during an Inclusive Playgroup.
Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics.
Son, K,
Twardzik, E
, Nabozny, ML, Strasburg, D, Alexander, N. 2017.
Contribution of obesity and performance factors to 6 minute walk test in older adults with diabetes.
Innovation in Aging
Welch WA, Alexander NB, Swartz AM, Miller NE,
Twardzik E
, Strath SJ. 2017.
Individualized Estimation of Physical Activity in Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
wardzik, E
, MacDonald, M, & Dixon-Ibarra, A. 2017.
The relationship between state lead agency and enrollment into early intervention services.
Journal of Early Intervention.
Twardzik E
, Cotto-Negrón C, MacDonald M. 2017.
Factors related to early intervention Part C enrollment: A systematic review.
Disability and Health Journal.
MacDonald M, Hatfield B,
Twardzik E.
Child Behaviors of Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Across Play Settings.
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly.